Sucker Punch Productions
Ghost of Tsushima
Designed and laid out numerous locations throughout the island of Tsushima
Provided art passes on laid out locations
Collaborated with mission designers to provide additional location support and mission feedback
Implemented technical mark-up for the world through in house technology

Respawn Entertainment
Apex Legends
Collaborated directly with the Lead Level Designer to design zones in Kings Canyon
Established visual and gameplay themes for mutliple zones
Ensured zone design was cohesive with the macro design of Kings Canyon
Mentored new level designers during the production of Kings Canyon
Titanfall 2
Designed, built, and detailed the singleplayer level Trial By Fire and co-designed The Fold Weapon
Provided Environment Art support on the levels Blood and Rust, Effect and Cause, and The Fold Weapon
Designed and built two multiplayer levels Blackwater Canal and Exoplanet
Prototyped new gamemodes for multiplayer
Worked closely with a small team to help establish the feel of Titan combat in singleplayer
Designed two campaign multiplayer levels Outpost 207 and Demeter.
Responsible for finishing the design of Training Ground.
Detailed and worked closely with art on Outpost 207, Demeter, and Training Ground

id Software
Doom 4
Designed and built three singleplayer levels for the Doom 4 Campaign experience.
Implemented combat across designed levels
Collaborated with other mechanics for the singleplayer experience
Designed several multiplayer levels
Prototyped multiplayer game modes

Gearbox Software
Designed and built multiple singleplayer/coop levels
Implemented combat, story elements, and scripting into designed levels
Collaborated with other designers to help define coop mechanics
Prototyped boss battles using Unreal 3's Kismet system.

RedStorm Entertainment
Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2
Built out environments while keeping the design vision intact
Worked closely with groups of artists to tackle a series of levels
Modeled terrain and detailed world for the levels Depot, Plantation, and Rooftop.
America's Army: True Soldiers
Built Gun Range while keeping the design vision intact
Modeled terrain and detailed world from reference